Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique of relaxation which uses hypnotic language techniques to induce deep meditative states. In these states of expanded consciousness it’s possible to experience insights into the nature of reality, release traumas, blocks and unwanted struggles and discover how we can begin to get in touch with our intuition.

Yoga Nidra means waking sleep. In the space between being awake and asleep we enter into more lucid states of consciousness. The mind is loose and free and able to let go of challenging thoughts with much less effort.  Useful concepts and metaphors can help direct awareness to connect with inner calm and joy. 

We lie down during Yoga Nidra, as this posture invites relaxation and a deepening of release.

Feel free to listen to my video below to experience Yoga Nidra. And remember you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch future videos as I release them.